.. _gettingstarted: =============== Getting Started =============== To install the code, clone from github and execute:: >>install.sh at the prompt. This will create a few files, including eom.py. ======== Usage ======== Running the code is as simple as invoking python to run eom.py. However, it is probably necessary to modify the input files to suit the needs of the user. These files are located in the **input** directory and are titled: input???.inp EOM is capable of reading multiple input files to complete an ensemble of simulations. See :ref:`inputs` for specific input options and descriptions. Additionally, the user may wish to alter the irradiance values that are used. These values need to be specified in a single csv file (see the :ref:`#PHOTODATA ` input) in which the first two columns are wavelength (nm) and irradiance (:math:`W/m^2/nm`) respectively. EOM uses specific wavelength bins and will integrate those specified in the input file to fit with what is used in the code.